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Azure development
Sql Azure
Best gaming deals on Amazon
This weeks Xbox deals with gold
sql server security
Execute permissions problem
allow sysadmin role temporarily, is it possible to do in a secure way.
Is "AS [dbo] necessary or redundant here?
Login failed for user
How can I put me back to sysadmin role?
visual studio parallelcpp
HSA and C++ AMP
Ths sample(Task delay-sample) doesn't work right when I put a large number.
Get value from another form
How can I get the chosen file from a FileOpenPicker window in C++ winRT?
Why does not OpenMP work?
windows metro apps store
my app has been unpublished due to some violation.
App submission in windows store.
How to interpret ProblemSignatures Parameters WerInternalMetadata
Dev Center - adoption & usage pages not working
Branding Windows Store App for Affliates
sql server ssis
SSIS package- how to set variable in query at runtime ?
Retrieve the COM class factory for component with CLSID {B940C105-7F01-46FE-7F01-BF41-F040B9BDA83D} failed due to the following error 80040154.
How to add drop downs to excel exports
The version of component "SQL Server Destination" (21) is not compatible with this version of the DataFlow.
azure cache
Azure Cache Rapid Growing Connection Received
Redis Cache Memory Use Not Dropping after keys delete
Azure Redis Cache Authorization Header
Getting error accessing Windows Azure Cache - Connection terminated or reached maxbuffer size
Best practice for cache objects
windows phone apphub_ja
windows mobile5.0でのNAT traversalについて