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Questions and Answers
Azure development
Sql Azure
Best gaming deals on Amazon
This weeks Xbox deals with gold
sql server masterdata
How access a particular version with a particular version flag using c#
MDS Excel Add-in: There was no endpoint listening at https://<<servername>>/MDS/service/service.svc/bhb that could accept the message
Input string was not in a correct format error when attempting to open the MDS page in IE
Domain Attributes:Across entity
How can I create an Excel MDS client with basic functionality but more user-friendly interface? Customised add-in?
sql server spatial
Geography, Geometry datatype in SQL 2012 with database compatability 2005(90)
Calculate distance between two points (latitude/longitude) but also within a shape
Calling Reduce on geography polygons does not preserve shapes
using STDistance to find shortest path in graph
Spatial index as a primary filter
azure marketplace
The Offer is not sold in the account market
Unable to create Azure Ethereum Consortium Blockchain from marketplace
Deploy Linux Red Hat to Marketplace
can i get images with search result of web .
SaaS on Azure
windows metro apps native
IPC between Metro apps and Win32 apps
Asset folder and deploying relative location to .vcxproj file.
How to dynamically get a list of items in vertical grid view
Are the C++11 threading APIs supported for Metro apps?
High Contrast Theme in XAML/C++ (High Contrast #1)
outlook for developers
Outlook 2010 automatic printing of email attachments
How to examine every incoming email of all folders
Unable to Programmatically Delete Items Involved in a Conflict
Any event for disabling Outlook Plugin?
FOLDER_IPM_INBOX_VALID is for which receive folder?
azure management
Unable to remove assigned Lock to an empty ResourceGroup
1603 - Unable to Install the Synchronization Service
Azure AD "Cannot load management data for the current view."
Service Management REST API GetPackage function accepted but no package in blob
Azure - No subscriptions found.