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Azure development
Sql Azure
Best gaming deals on Amazon
This weeks Xbox deals with gold
sql server dw
Cube processing
Some problems related to dimensional modeling in Data Warehouse.
Dimension single wide or 2 tables
creating a cube 'library' for users
join between Fact tables?
visual studio visualiaztion
Windows 10 - 10586
Compute follow set of LL1 parser
How can I use an internal VSTS in D365 FFO and synchronize it with the customer's VSTS?
I want to you Help me please
Create activity diagrams automatically
visual studio mtm
TFS 2013.3 problem when performing laboratory "Lab Management using Standard Lab Environments in Visual Studio 2013"
Execute a single test case using TCM or other Command Line Tool or API
Couldnt able to capture all steps while exploratory testing
Test Controller - Unable to Configure Test Controller and Test agent in Different set of networks.
Lab Management for whole collection
azure iot hub
PYTHON IOT Device and Hub connection strings
EventProcessorHost in cloud service not reading from a particular partition after few days
Device Provisioning - Adding an X509 Enrollment
Candidate for IoT Hub
mqtt connection of ESP8266 NodeMCU with AzureCloud
visual studio vc
using $(ProjectName) in strings like LPCTSTR ?
DDE error
Converting DAO to ADO in vc++ 6.0
How to change MS code in MS Studio C++
The compiler seems to be allocating storage for the variable S::x without it being defined. How is this possible?
azure disk encryption
Who all have direct or indirect access to Microsoft Managed Keys used for storage service encryption?
Windows Server 2008 R2 VMs - Unable to Decrypt Disks
BYOK / Azure Disk Encryption
Azure Data Disk Encryption ?
failed to configure bitlocker as expected. Exception: Invalid provider type specified.