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Questions and Answers
Azure development
Sql Azure
Best gaming deals on Amazon
This weeks Xbox deals with gold
visual studio extensibility
How to export C# project with linked files (Files Added with "Add Existing Item" and "Add as link")?
How to change/customize priority of “LayoutChange” and “KeyUp” events in c#
Need help in adding additional command in VSPackage.cs
Visual Studio Searching a Database Created
How to make the Toolwindow setting don't export to the VSSetting file
visual studio vb_ja
visual Studio 2010 Professional (Basic言語) で、ブレークポイントが効きません。
Option Strict Onにするとエラーになってしまう
VBからExcel 2016を起動した場合のBeforeCloseイベントについて
sql server hdinsight
Interactive JavaScript console not loading
HDInsight Cluster (spark) not writting correctly on Azure Storage
Need help on LINQ on HIVE scenario/
using SSIS hive task i run hive task it's give error cluster version is not supported by this version of the tools
HDInsight cluster creating with ADLS as default store
sql server search
Powershell script for SQL
Time between 12.00 AM to 03.30 AM
Sql 2008R
search results from database quickly
Full text index Error '0x8004fd0a: Occurrence counter overflow, document is not indexed.' occurred during full-text index population for table or indexed view
azure automation
How to change the publish profile in a pipeline.?
Getting Variables out of Child Runbook
Automation in West Europe uses local IP ( when accessing a Storage Account in West Europe
Is there a way to use sticky slot settings with the latest AppService api version?
Adding rule to existing NSG, but not in same ARM Template Deployment.
azure backup
Azure Fortigate Firewall VM Backup
Microsoft.Backup provider stuck in 'Registering' state
Azure Backup Logs
Failed to Trigger backup
SQL in Azure VM backup not available in portal