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Questions and Answers
Azure development
Sql Azure
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This weeks Xbox deals with gold
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Custom resource provider api calling from outside other than admin and tenant portals
Is there any way to check your file server configuration?
Portal is having trouble connecting to the configuration database
how do customize language/locale to the VM Role Gallery.
Adding a Node to Hyper-V Cluster With Azure Pack
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IPC between Metro apps and Win32 apps
Asset folder and deploying relative location to .vcxproj file.
How to dynamically get a list of items in vertical grid view
Are the C++11 threading APIs supported for Metro apps?
High Contrast Theme in XAML/C++ (High Contrast #1)
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Visual Studio 2014 CTP 1 System Requirements
the operation returned because the timeout period expired
Microsoft Visual c++ 2015 error 0x80070666
could not install vs 2015 in win 10
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Extension is not visible in Add task window after intallation
VSTS Build and Deploy WebApp with WebJob; Causing WebApp Error
how to make 'System.ValueTuple.4.3.0' work on a build
On premises build agent with VSTS
What is the current version of Visual Studio Online? And what is the use of Rest API in TFS?
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SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access v7.5.0について
IEのインターネットオプションのプロキシ設定でAzure SQL Databaseに接続するには?
Azure DB V12 サーバー CONTEXT_INFO が初回のみ取得できる
Azure SQLデータベースのDAC Webサービスによるbacpacのインポートについて
azure sql data warehouse
List of issues faced while migrating to Azure SQL DWH
Hosting multiple Azure SQL Data Warehouse in Single Azure SQL Server?
how to update the table using the same table in the from clause in Azure SQL Data Warehouse
Azure SQL Server External Table
How the utilize all avaible DWU?