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Azure development
Sql Azure
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excel for developers
User Defined Function in a cell?
Excel VBA code to open file dialogue box to import another xl file data
A 'find' box that returns all records of a single client within an entire workbook
Input and calling data from another workbook
Excel VBA Recursion
azure disk encryption
Who all have direct or indirect access to Microsoft Managed Keys used for storage service encryption?
Windows Server 2008 R2 VMs - Unable to Decrypt Disks
BYOK / Azure Disk Encryption
Azure Data Disk Encryption ?
failed to configure bitlocker as expected. Exception: Invalid provider type specified.
sql server migration
Changing SQL Server Version after creating New project in SSMA for Oracle tool
special characters are not migrated properly
Error:Cannot truncate target table. Reason: ExecuteReader requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is closed.
Migrating SAN databases to new server
Clone SQL Server?
sql server masterdata
How access a particular version with a particular version flag using c#
MDS Excel Add-in: There was no endpoint listening at https://<<servername>>/MDS/service/service.svc/bhb that could accept the message
Input string was not in a correct format error when attempting to open the MDS page in IE
Domain Attributes:Across entity
How can I create an Excel MDS client with basic functionality but more user-friendly interface? Customised add-in?
developing apps for office 2013
Event Time zone issue on Exchange Online using ASP. Net MVC application using Rest api
IM Client Integration with Outlook
Embedding Powerpoint without requiring sign-in to sharepoint
Problem with TableBinding
SharePoint Push Notifications For Client Applications
azure batch
Batch jobs uploading blobs and updating cosmos DB, large amount of operations in parallel
Azure Batch .NET SDK Tag Batch Resources
Build Tasks via API calls from objects
AddTaskAsync throw the message "A task was canceled."
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