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Azure development
Sql Azure
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This weeks Xbox deals with gold
sql server xml
SQLXML Load Error
How to iterate in xml data in loop without cursor
Inaccurate XML Outputs by SQL Server
I need import xml files to SQL but I need verify if exists a tag cancCFe e chCanc
does Production server Down due to running SELECT * ?
fx wcf_ja
WCF でのKerbros認証でうまくいきません。
WCF Loggingのファイル名について
visual studio general_ja
[VSTO] CustomXMLParts へのデータ追加を Undo エントリさせたい
azure disk encryption
Who all have direct or indirect access to Microsoft Managed Keys used for storage service encryption?
Windows Server 2008 R2 VMs - Unable to Decrypt Disks
BYOK / Azure Disk Encryption
Azure Data Disk Encryption ?
failed to configure bitlocker as expected. Exception: Invalid provider type specified.
sql server masterdata
How access a particular version with a particular version flag using c#
MDS Excel Add-in: There was no endpoint listening at https://<<servername>>/MDS/service/service.svc/bhb that could accept the message
Input string was not in a correct format error when attempting to open the MDS page in IE
Domain Attributes:Across entity
How can I create an Excel MDS client with basic functionality but more user-friendly interface? Customised add-in?
sharepoint setup_ja
Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 SP2のバックアップの復元にてエラー出力されます
Search Service Applicationのエラー
Analysis Servicesが全体管理のサービス アカウントの構成に表示されない。