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Questions and Answers
Azure development
Sql Azure
Best gaming deals on Amazon
This weeks Xbox deals with gold
sql server security
Execute permissions problem
allow sysadmin role temporarily, is it possible to do in a secure way.
Is "AS [dbo] necessary or redundant here?
Login failed for user
How can I put me back to sysadmin role?
azure disk encryption
Who all have direct or indirect access to Microsoft Managed Keys used for storage service encryption?
Windows Server 2008 R2 VMs - Unable to Decrypt Disks
BYOK / Azure Disk Encryption
Azure Data Disk Encryption ?
failed to configure bitlocker as expected. Exception: Invalid provider type specified.
azure backup
Azure Fortigate Firewall VM Backup
Microsoft.Backup provider stuck in 'Registering' state
Azure Backup Logs
Failed to Trigger backup
SQL in Azure VM backup not available in portal
visual studio lshtml
OAuth2 with Lightswitch HTML client
How to get detail information for a 500 error on the server
HTML Client CTP4 - No handle for data
different globalization result after publish
LÄ°ghtswitch HTML5 OData usege Chrome problem
azure websites
Cannot recreate App Service Plan with specific name
What is the best way to automate the update of a web.config file in a webapp resource ?
Site instability and slow access
ASP.NET Web API and OAuth with local (Desktop Browser/Cordova/Phonegap) client
Deploying a NodeJS App to Azure Websites fails on installing NPM packages from pagages.json from deploy.cmd
visual studio test
VS Load Test - Can I embed a urls (both indivual and containing dependent requests) within a parent Page url that the load test results identifies the Parent url only
Sample code or steps for Keyword Driven framework using Coded UI
Coded UITest ..FailedToPerformActionOnHiddenControlException
A/B testing methodologies
Is it possible to setup multi-session testing within coded ui tests?