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Azure development
Sql Azure
Best gaming deals on Amazon
This weeks Xbox deals with gold
sharepoint legacy versions - setup, upgrade, administration and operations
Azure Web App with Shibboleth authentication
The process does not possess the ‘SeSecurityPrivilege’ privilege which is required for this operation
I have to install TFS 2008 for a legacy application we just took over support.....
Deploying SharePoint Online application
User Not found in people picker in SharePoint 2007
sql server masterdata
How access a particular version with a particular version flag using c#
MDS Excel Add-in: There was no endpoint listening at https://<<servername>>/MDS/service/service.svc/bhb that could accept the message
Input string was not in a correct format error when attempting to open the MDS page in IE
Domain Attributes:Across entity
How can I create an Excel MDS client with basic functionality but more user-friendly interface? Customised add-in?
sql server bi_ja
SQL Serverエージェントにおけるジョブ実行時に、動的に生成したパラメータをSSISパッケージに渡したい
azure/IaaS sqlserver 2017 SSASキューブの完全処理:バッチ処理がODBCエラーで終了する。
SSRS データドリブンサブスクリプションの実行エラーの件
fx aspnet_ja
language understanding intelligent service (luis)
The word "今年" not identify
Extracting dates out of utterances
computer vision API
LUIS APP responding very slowly queue in training.
c# ide
Getting all projects and folders in solution explorer to collapse
Intellisense not working for my variables
copy local default to "false"
Lock-up problem with Sgen and Visual Studio 2005
Better Error Message