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Questions and Answers
Azure development
Sql Azure
Best gaming deals on Amazon
This weeks Xbox deals with gold
azure virtualnetwork
Blocking and Allowing desired ports through the VPN to on-prem network
Load Balancer with primary/secondary routing
ExpressRoute Coexist with VPN tunnel built with NVA for peered Vnets
Using Traffic Manager for DR
Connecting through point-to-site then site-to-site
azure security
Change ACS token for Azure Cache
ADFS Proxy
ACS login does not complete after moving to .us domain
Can ACS federate with multiple identity providers for our self-hosted application?
Using active-directory with Windows Azure to share videos
sql server streaminsight
group stream events to a list and merge list into second stream
StreamInsight Windows Service
User-defined method has a parameter, which is not supported.
split input stream by payload date
Generate CEP Insert event for TCP Input adapter
sql server tools
Create SQL user from Azure AD user
SQL Server 2012 and TFS 2013
Database in suspect mode...why does it happen?
Trying to connect db server from another server
SQL Designer Join Order Query
azure notification hubs
expiredPushChannel set to true after changing pushChannel?
Why did notificationhub.register() always return 403 on Android and iOS?
Push notification blade not working for web apps
Deploying Cisco vWLC in Azure cloud
Azure Notification Hub for Xamarin.Mac
azure connectivity
Windows azure code verification
Site to site VPN- spoofed Azure gw IP
Service Bus and Web Programming Model - Reading a XML body using a Stream parameter
DNS Cnaming - How do we CNAME a root record
What is a good practice for working with different message types in the Azure service bus