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Azure development
Sql Azure
Best gaming deals on Amazon
This weeks Xbox deals with gold
sql server distributed
DBCC memorystatus()
Distributed transaction
log shipping on SQL Server Express
Replaying a tuning trace
DCOM was unable to communicate with the computer LnPControllerTest using any of the configured protocols; requested by PID 5f4 (C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\130\Tools\DReplayClient\DReplayClient.exe).
azure notification hubs
expiredPushChannel set to true after changing pushChannel?
Why did notificationhub.register() always return 403 on Android and iOS?
Push notification blade not working for web apps
Deploying Cisco vWLC in Azure cloud
Azure Notification Hub for Xamarin.Mac
sql server dotnet
How can sql login user without sysadmin right to use unsafe accembly?
Getting the name of the updated table
Connection string for MVC 5 with SQL Enterprise
CLR mountpoint freespace query scaling *really bad* with high number of mountpoints_
Massive spike in TCP connections to SQL 1433 after .NET update
sql server powerpivotsp
Folder level security in PowerPivot Gallery
Where to install SQL Server PowerPivot for SharePoint?
CU9 - Power View not working Anymore
PowerPivot Edit Table Property, How to connect to another existing Data Source?
Upload to sharepoint fails
sql server hdinsight
Interactive JavaScript console not loading
HDInsight Cluster (spark) not writting correctly on Azure Storage
Need help on LINQ on HIVE scenario/
using SSIS hive task i run hive task it's give error cluster version is not supported by this version of the tools
HDInsight cluster creating with ADLS as default store
sharepoint 2010 programming
Access denied during Word Automation services / System.ServiceModel.Security.SecurityAccessDeniedException
Problem Removing Button From Ribbon
How do you add a new template to the 'Choose a View Format' screen
how to get or set ItemPicker control value
Error "String was not recognized as a valid DateTime"